Hybrid Car Specialists in Ormskirk

Hybrid Car Specialists in OrmskirkAs we are hybrid car specialists in Ormskirk we can supply you with an excellent service for your dual power vehicle.  Although we consider the hybrid car to be a modern invention, they were made as far back as 1899. These old vehicles were functional but basic and lacked all the modern electronics. There are a number of different hybrid vehicles on the market such as the parallel hybrid and the mild parallel hybrid and the power split or series parallel hybrid. There is also the series hybrid where there is a generator instead of an engine to charge the battery.

If you have purchased a vehicle to reduce your carbon footprint in Ormskirk, hybrid car specialists will take care of your car for you. The technology is different from a normal car in that it uses a conventional engine and electric power. By using both the engine and the electric motors for peak power the manufacturer can fit a smaller engine resulting in a lower weight and thus less fuel usage. Another saving is the use of recaptured energy in stop and go traffic in the city. Significant amounts of energy are recaptured during braking that is normally wasted as heat and by converting some of the kinetic energy into electricity further savings are made.

We are the hybrid car specialists in Ormskirk. Contact Fuel Injection Services today and book your hybrid car in for a service or repair. Our company was established in 1959 and has built up an enviable reputation for quality service delivery in the ensuing years. Diesel powered vehicles have grown in popularity over the years and we have stayed at the forefront of all the technological innovations. We invest time and money in people and technology to ensure we remain one of the leading diesel garages in the North West. Our technicians are routinely trained in the newest developments and we have the latest state of the art machinery. We are pleased to announce that Burscough garage is now part of Fuel Injection Services.