Hybrid Car Specialist in Parbold

Hybrid Car Specialist in ParboldIf you are looking for a hybrid car specialist in Parbold, Fuel Injection Services are the experts you can count on. Hybrid cars are modern vehicles that rely on multiple propulsion methods. This type of vehicle uses a diesel or petrol engine along with an electric motor. In the UK, there are three types of hybrid vehicles, meaning they can be powered in three ways. The power may come from the electric motor, the engine or both sources. The Toyota Prius is one of the most popular types of parallel hybrid cars that we see at our garage. When this car operates at low speeds, it relies on an electric motor. Considering how many times you have to stop and start while driving in the city, this seems like the best way to operate your car. Once you increase your speed past a certain point, the fuel engine kick starts. This can also occur when more pressure is applied to the acceleration. Once you engage your brakes, the system creates power which is stored in the battery for use later on. Apart from parallel, range extender hybrid cars thrive entirely on electric motors. The fuel engine is used to recharge batteries only. The third type of hybrid car is the plug-in type where batteries are charged from an external power source.

If you own a hybrid car in Parbold, a hybrid car specialist can be found in your neighbourhood at Fuel Injection Services. Our team provides a wide range of services to help your car run smoothly and efficiently. Our service roster includes fuel pump repair, common rail injector repair, turbo supply, diesel diagnostics and vehicle servicing. You can count on our team to restore and repair your hybrid car to its original glory!

If you’re experiencing issues with your parallel hybrid vehicle, a hybrid car specialist in Parbold can assist you. Contact Fuel Injection Services today to schedule an appointment with our hybrid car specialist.  We believe that we are the best experts to take care of your car. First established in 1959, we continue to provide the first class services we’ve become known for.